Hoe gedicht lichaam wordt in 10 stappen.
Over het oeuvre van Anne Carson en een viering van de recent verschenen vertalingen naar het Nederlands: 'Eros, Bitterzoet' en 'Rood'.
In collaboration with the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) series Terrains of Struggle
De eenenveertigste editie van Vers van het Mes met Yousra Benfquih, Flor Declercq, Renske Marike van Dijk en Femke Zwiep.
Poëtisch programma over taal in het Nederlands en Nederlandse Gebarentaal (NGT)
Schrijver, dichter en scenarioschrijver Lidy van Marissing werd dit jaar 80 jaar oud en op 23 september wijdt Perdu een avond aan haar oeuvre
In collaboration with the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) series Terrains of Struggle
Walk in: 11:30
Program start: 12:00
Price: €10.50 (standard); €8 (CJP/Stadspas)
Price livestream: €6
English program
Tracing a fugitive line from the anti-capitalist, abolitionist, and anti-enclosure poetics of the Industrial Revolution to the current crisis of fossil capitalism and its discontents, Anahid Nersessian and Daniel Eltringham's writings reorient the critical foundations of ecocriticism from the perspective of struggle. Reckoning with a counter-history of dissent that stretches from William Blake's Romantic-era radicalism to the contemporary militant poetics of Sean Bonney, this combined lecture and performance registers the commons and the calamity form as terrains of social domination, diminishing refuge, and potential resistance.
In collaboration with the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) series Terrains of Struggle, Perdu hosts a program of talks, readings, and discussion.
Anahid Nersessian
Anahid Nersessian is poetry scholar and professor of English at UCLA whose recent work includes Keat’s Odes: A Lover’s Discourse (2022), a collection of experimental essays, and The Calamity Form: On Poetry & Social Life (2020).
Daniel Eltringham
Daniel Eltringham is a poet, translator, and author of Poetry & Commons: Postwar & Romantic Lyric in Times of Enclosure (2022).